A Message from Mrs Cresswell
It was lovely to see the children return to school at the beginning of last week following the October half-term break. As always, staff were very impressed with how quickly they have settled back into their day-to-day routines.
The second half of the Autumn School Term is always a busy one as children and staff begin to think about the various Christmas events that will soon be upon us. As you will read in this newsletter there is plenty to fit in before we get started with all our Christmas activities.
Yesterday the focus of our whole school church services was COP27. Thank you to Father Daniel and Father Pete who encouraged us, as a community, to think carefully about our response to climate change.
Wishing you all a peaceful and relaxing weekend.
With my very best wishes
Clare Cresswell
This half term our school value is forgiveness. Please spend time to discuss this value with your child and encourage them to practice forgiveness in their daily lives.
Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Colossians 3:13