Collective Worship
This half term, we are following the London Diocesan Board of Schools cycle of Collective worship based around themes from the Bible readings in Church each week. Here are some suggested questions and prayers which you may wish to use with your children at home.
This week
Themes drawn from Hebrews 5:1-10 and Mark 10:35-45
When was the last time you asked for something important?
Do you think it is ok to ask God for things? Do you think he answers?
How could you put someone before yourself this week?
Who are the people who give their time to you or help you? How could you thank them?
Put someone before yourself this week.
Loving Father God, thank you for those people who serve us in many ways. Thank you especially for _____________. Help me to serve others too. Amen
Some upcoming religious festivals and holy days
25th October - Simchat Torah when the conclusion—and restart—of the annual Torah-reading cycle is celebrated.
31st October – 4th November – Diwali This Hindu Festival of Lights symbolizes the fight of good over evil and its victory. It is celebrated by Sikhs, Hindus, Jains, and mostly Newar Buddhists.
1st November – All Saints’ Day This day honours all holy men and women who the Catholic Church has canonized.
3rd November – Birth of Baha’u’llah This holy day for the Baha’i faith honours its founder’s birthdays. He challenges people to fight back against racial prejudice and to be one human family.