Parents' Prayer Group
St Paul's Parents' Prayer Group was established many years ago to pray for the needs of St Paul's school and its families. It continues to thrive as part of our school community.
The St. Paul's Parents' Prayer meeting is an opportunity to thank God for the school, the teachers and all the parents and children that make this community so wonderful. It is also a chance for us to pray for specific occasions/events at the school, practical issues affecting school, asking for God’s guidance and His provision.
It is a very relaxed, non-threatening group - you are welcome to join in with the set prayers from our prayer card and to either lead other informal prayers or to sit quietly joining in with these prayers. Feel free to bring your little ones too (toys are available). Mrs Cresswell (Head of School) gives us a list of the school's prayer needs which we pray for together. Children from the Collective Worship Committee occasionally write prayers and join the meeting to share them with us.
We would love for you to be part of the St. Paul's Parents' Prayer meetings – either by putting any prayer requests in via the school's reception (anonymously or not) or by coming along to one of our prayer meetings (virtually or in person) and joining us in praying for all aspects of St Paul's school.
We meet the first Friday of each half-term, gathering in the school reception after drop-off, and are finished by 9.30am.
If you would like further details, please contact LeMarraWilliamson at
We look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes